If you're like me and have a personal Github account but work for a company that also uses Github you will probably want to be able to set up multiple accounts on Github. It's pretty simple to do so: Firstly you need to create a new key for your company account. Make sure that you save it to a file other than the default id_rsa otherwise you'll overwrite your default ssh key. For illustration lets save it to ~/.ssh/id_rsa_alternate ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your-email-address" Now open up your company account on Github and navigate through the settings to manage your ssh keys. Use the following command: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_alternate.pub Copy and paste the output into a new key on your company Github account. Next we add the new key to our identity: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_alternate Edit (or touch) your ssh config file at ~/.ssh/config and include a new option for authenticating using your company account: Host github-COMPANY HostName...