Installing phpMyAdmin is a snip in CentOS, but there is a little trick that most tutorials skip out. For some reason the default setup (using standard repositories) does not like you having a null password for your mySQL root account. I know that you are supposed to be able to set a blank password in the pma config file and set the option to allow blank passwords to true, but this did not work for me until I set a root password. I kept getting a popup box that looked exactly like a .htaccess Apache protect but was actually just a Javascript prompt. So here goes: Step One - enable your EPEL repo: $ cd /tmp $ wget # rpm -ivh epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm Step Two - Install phpMyAdmin # yum search phpmyadmin # yum -y install phpmyadmin Step Three - optionally edit your Apache conf If you get Apache forbidden errors (should not be the case) you can try editing your .conf file...