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Having sufficiently detailed logs enables me to avoid having to make assumptions about variable values and program logic flow.
For example, when a customer wants to know why their credit card was charged twice I want to be able to answer with certainty that we processed the transaction only once and be able to produce the data that I sent to the payment provider.
I have three very simple rules for logging that I follow whenever I'm feeling like being nice to future me. If I hate future me and want him to spend more time answering queries than is needed then I forget these rules:
- The first command in any function I write is a debug statement confirming entry into the function
- Any time that the script terminates with an error then the error condition is logged, along with the exception message and variable values if applicable.
- When I catch an exception then I log that as a debug message in the place that I catch it rather than letting it bubble up the stack. If I'm the one throwing the exception then I log in the place where I throw it.
These rules have grown on me from the experience of debugging code and having to deal with an assortment of customer queries that have been escalated to the development team.
By logging the entry into functions I can go back on my logs and see the path that a request took through the code. Instead of wondering how a particular state of execution came about I have a good trail of functions that led me to that point.
To me errors that fail silently are the worst possible errors. I don't expect that the user needs to be alerted to every error or its details, but if I am unable to send a transactional email then I expect that there should be a log of that fact. That might sound self-evident but I've recently worked on a project where we send a mail and don't check if it was successful or not. This would only occasionally happen and we only noticed something was amiss when a customer complained. I was not able to determine when the problem arose, how often it happened, or to whom I should resend transactional mails along with an apology.
Logging an exception in the place I catch it has consistently proven to be helpful. Having a log as close as possible to the source of the error condition helps to narrow down the stack that it occurred in. This is especially valuable when I rethrow the exception with a user friendly message because I don't lose the technical details of the program state.
Because my logs can get very spammy in production I use the "Fingers Crossed" feature of Monolog. I prefer this to the alternative of increasing the bar for logging to "info" and above because when an error occurs then I have a verbose track of my program state. I've created a gist showing the setup in Laravel 5.1 and 5.2 but the approach will work anywhere that you use Monolog.
Another useful trick I've learned is to integrate my application errors into my log aggregating platform. I use Loggly to aggregate my logs and push application error messages to it. This lets me easily view my application errors in the context of my various server logs so spotting an nginx error or something in syslog that could contribute to the application problem is a lot easier. The gist that I linked above shows my Loggly setup, but you can also read their documentation.
Useful and appropriate logging is an indispensable tool for debugging and if you're not working on developing your own logging style to support your approach to debugging then hop on it!
Useful and appropriate logging is an indispensable tool for debugging and if you're not working on developing your own logging style to support your approach to debugging then hop on it!
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