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"Word of the Day" PHP script (with word list)

I was looking around for a way to generate a word of the day on the web and didn't find anything. So I coded a quick and dirty script to do it.

Just in case anybody does a Google search and manages to find my blog: here is my Word of the Day PHP script:

Copy this code snippet into a wordoftheday.php file:

$file = fopen("interesting_words.txt","r");
$raw_string = fread($file,filesize("interesting_words.txt"));
$words_array = explode("|",$raw_string);
echo $words_array[array_rand($words_array)];

Of course the real issue I had was finding a list of interesting words in the right format. Here is the list of interesting words that I used:

Copy this into a file called interesting_words.txt:

ubiquitous : being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent|
ecdysiast : a striptease artist|
eleemosynary : of, relating to, or dependent on charity|
gregious : conspicuously bad or offensive,bailiwick : one's particular area of activity, interest, or authority|
animadversion : strong criticism; a critical or censorious remark|
gallivant : to roam about in search of pleasure or amusement|
zephyr : the west wind; a gentle breeze; something that is airy or insubstantial|
borborygmus : a rumbling noise produced by the movement of gas through the intestines|
Godspeed : success or good fortune|
schadenfreude : pleasure derived from another's misfortune|
merkin : a public wig for women|
dollop : a shapeless mass or blob of something|
porphyrophobia : fear of the color purple|
perspicacious : having keen judgment or understanding; acutely perceptive|
senescence : growing old; aging|
poltroon : a contemptible coward|
pilgarlic : a bald:headed man|
boeotian : stupid; dull|
contumely : rudeness or contempt arising from haughtiness; insolence|
lucubrate : to study diligently; to write in a scholarly way|
undulation : movement in waves; a wavy, curving form or outline|
weanling : a child or animal newly weaned|
euphony : agreeable sound|
quixotic : extravagantly chivalrous or romantic|
stentorian : very loud|
perambulate : walk through, about, or over; stroll|
jocularity : joking speech or behavior|
mendacity : a lie; falsehood|
obloquy : verbal abuse of a person or thing|
ribaldry : coarse language or humor|
pusillanimous : timid or cowardly; fainthearted|
heebie:jeebies : nervousness; jitters|
scalawag : scamp; rascal|
mulct : to swindle; to defraud|
corpulent : excessively fat|
cacology : bad choice or use of words|
aberrant : deviating from the proper course|
mellifluous : sweetly flowing; smooth and sweet|
quidnunc : a busybody; a nosy person|
solipsism : the belief that the self is the only reality|
ricochet : to rebound|
prandial : relating to a meal, esp. dinner|
propinquity : proximity; nearness|
persiflage : banter; light, good:natured talk|
officious : meddlesome; unnecessarily or obtrusively ready to offer advice or services|
odious : repugnant; hateful|
ennui : boredom; listlessness|
reconnoiter : to make a preliminary inspection; to look around|
callipygian : having beautifully proportioned buttocks|
steatopygian : having an excess accumulation of fat on the buttocks|
phalanx : a compact group of people|
troglodyte : a cave dweller; recluse|
penultimate : next to last|
chthonic : of or relating to the underworld|
tergiversate : to equivocate; to change sides|
jejune : not interesting, dull, empty; childish; lacking in nutrition|
otiose : lazy, indolent; useless; ineffective, futile|
salubrious : conducive to health or well:being|
kakistocracy : government by the worst or least qualified citizens|
hebetudinous : dull:minded; mentally lethargic|
uxorious : excessively fond or submissive to one's wife|
quotidian : daily; everyday; commonplace|
logorrhea : excessive, incoherent talkativeness|
ichthyophagous : feeding on fish|
mammiferous : having mammary glands|
tatterdemalion : a ragamuffin|
abacinate : To blind by putting a hot copper basin near someone's eyes|
abderian : Given to incessant or idiotic laughter|
abecedarian : A person who is learning the alphabetv
abligurition : Excessive spending on food and drink|
accubation : The practice of eating or drinking while lying down|
adelphepothia : An incestuous desire for one's sister|
adelphirexia : An incestuous desire for one's nephew|
adelphithymia : An incestuous desire for one's niece|
adoxography : Skilled writing on an unimportant subject|
aeolist : A pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspiration|
agelast : A person who never laughs|
agerasia : The state of looking younger than one actually is|
agraffe : The wire that holds the cork in a champagne bottle|
algerining : Prowling around with the intent to commit burglary|
alphamegamia : The marriage between a young woman and an older man|
anopisthography : The practice of writing on one side of the paper|
apodyopsis : The act of mentally undressing someone|
autohagiographer : One who speaks or writes in a smug fashion about their own life and accomplishments|
autolatry : The worship of one's self|
autotonsorialist : One who cuts their own hair|
basorexia : An overwhelming desire to neck or kiss|
bathykolpian : Deep:bosomed|
batrachophagous : One who eats frogs|
blandiloquent : Speaking in a flattering or ingratiating manner|
bletcherous : Pertaining to something poorly or disgustingly designed|
bombilate : To loudly hum or buzz continuously|
borborygmus : The rumbling sound of gas passing through the intestine|
brevirostrate : Having a short nose|
bromidrosis : Strongly smelling perspiration|
brontide : The low rumbling of distant thunder|
cachinnation : Loud or hysterical laughter|
cacoethes : A bad habit or insatiable urge|
cagamosis : An unhappy marriage|
cancatervate : To heap up into a pile|
capernoited : Slightly intoxicated or tipsy|
causeuse : A sofa built for two people|
charientism : An artfully veiled insult|
cheiloproclitic : Being attracted to a person's lips|
chirotonsor : An alternate title for a barber|
cleptobiosis : The act of plundering food|
clithridiate : Key:hole:shaped|
concilliabule : A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot|
cruciverbalist : One who loves doing crossword puzzles|
dactylion : The tip of the middle finger|
dactylonomy : Counting using one's fingers|
decubitis : The act or attitude of lying down|
defenestrate : To throw out of a window|
dehisce : To burst open, as the pod of a plant|
dentiloquent : Pertaining to one who talks through their teeth|
dephlogisticate : To make something fireproof|
dippoldism : The act of beating or whipping school children|
dompteuse : A woman who trains animals|
eccedentesiast : One who fakes a smile, as on television|
estrapade : A horses's attempt to remove its rider|
exsibilation : The collective hisses of a disapproving audience|
farctate : The state of being stuffed with food (overeating)|
filipendulous : Suspended by a single thread|
floccinaucinihilipilification : The categorising of something that is useless or trivial|
fuscoferuginous : Having a dark rusty colour|
gambrinous : Being full of beer|
gargalesis : Heavy tickling|
gargalesthesia : The sensation caused by tickling|
ginglyform : Hinge:shaped|
gongoozler : An idle spectator|
gossypiboma : A surgical sponge accidently left inside a patient's body|
gowpen : A double handful|
hamartithia : Being likely to make a mistake|
hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian : Pertaining to extremely long words|
honorificabilitudinitatibus : With honour|
inaniloquent : Speaking foolishly or saying silly things|
interfenestration : The space between two windows|
jentacular : Pertaining to breakfast|
knismesis : Light tickling|
kyphorrhinos : Having a nose with a bump in it|
lethologica : The inability to recall a precise word for something|
liripip : The long tail of a hood in medieval or academic costume|
mallemaroking : The carousing of seamen on board Greenland whaling ships|
mammothrept : A child who is raised and spoiled by their grandmother|
misocapnist : One who hates the smell of tobacco smoke|
misodoctakleidist : Someone who hates practicing the piano|
mulligrubs : A state of depression or low spirits|
mumpsimus : One who sticks obstinately and wrongly to their old ways|
mytacism : The incorrect or excessive use of the letter M|
nelipot : Someone who walks without shoes|
nepheligenous : Producing clouds of tobacco smoke|
nidorosity : Belching with the taste of undigested meat|
nudiustertian : Pertaining to the day before yesterday|
oculoplania : Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charms|
onychophagy : The habit of biting one's fingernails|
pandiculation : Stretching and yawning before going to bed or after waking up|
petrichor : The smell of rain on dry ground|
philosophunculist : One who pretends to know more than they do to impress others|
pogonotomy : The act of cutting a beard|
polyphloisboian : Making a lot of noise or loud racketv
preantepenultimate : Fourth from last|
prosopography : The description of a person's appearance|
psithurism : The sound of wind in trees or rustling leaves|
pyknic : Short and fat|
qualtagh : The first person you see after leaving your house|
quidnunc : One who always wants to know what is going on|
quomodocunquize : To make money by any means possible|
recumbentibus : A knockout blow, either verbal or physical|
runcation : The act of weeding|
sabrage : The act of opening a bottle with a sabre|
saprostomous : Having bad breath|
scacchic : Pertaining to the game of chess, or to chess pieces|
sciapodous : Having huge feet|
scolecophagous : One who eats worms|
sgiomlaireached : The habit of dropping in at mealtimes|
slubberdegullion : A filthy, slobbering person|
sphallolalia : Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere|
tachyphagia : Fast eating|
tarantism : An urge to overcome melancholy by dancing|
tetrapyloctomy : The act of splitting a hair four ways|
thelemic : Permitting people to do as they like|
ulotrichous : Having very wooly hair|
ultracrepidarian : Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond their knowledge|
usufructuary : A person who has use or enjoyment of something, especially property|
ventripotent : Big:bellied, gluttonous|
vigesimation : The act of killing every twentieth person|
wanweird : An unhappy fate|
witzelsucht : A feeble attempt at humour|
xenobombulate : To malinger|
xerophagy : A diet of bread and water|
xylopolist : One who sells wood products|
yclept : By the name of; called|
zenzizenzizenzic : A number raised to the eighth power|

I just love the array_rand() function. It's so much neater than doing $my_array[rand(0,sizeof($my_array))];


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