Just another working day in Redmond Being placed in the dire situation where my project has to go live and is being served by a Windows server that has no administrator I was forced to open up my RDP client and venture back in time to the days of dinosaurs and IIS. Unified Communications SSL Certificates are pretty much the only solution I could find to allow a single installation of IIS to share a single certificate that is valid for multiple domains that don't conform to a wildcard. Whew, what a mouthful. In other words if you have the domains http://www.ihatemicrosoft.com , http://www.apacheisfree.com , and http://www.graphicalinterfacesareforpansies.com you can use a SSL single certificate to secure them by setting up Subject Alternate Names . Getting them up and running was a cinch for me made only slightly more complicated by previous failed installation issues which I had to identify and undo. Firstly if somebody else has tried to install the certificate and f...