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Installing a Unified Communications SSL certificate in Microsoft IIS 6.0

Just another working day in Redmond

Being placed in the dire situation where my project has to go live and is being served by a Windows server that has no administrator I was forced to open up my RDP client and venture back in time to the days of dinosaurs and IIS.

Unified Communications SSL Certificates are pretty much the only solution I could find to allow a single installation of IIS to share a single certificate that is valid for multiple domains that don't conform to a wildcard.  Whew, what a mouthful.  In other words if you have the domains ,, and you can use a SSL single certificate to secure them by setting up Subject Alternate Names.

Getting them up and running was a cinch for me made only slightly more complicated by previous failed installation issues which I had to identify and undo.

Firstly if somebody else has tried to install the certificate and failed it's not a bother.  Just get the exact details that were used and rekey it (if the issuer allows this).  GoDaddy allowed me to instantly request a new certificate which I was quickly able to install onto the "master" domain (the one that is not a Subject Alternate Name). Thus I was working from a clean canvas, without incorrect or expired certificates lurking around.

I really don't feel like replicating the bazillions of articles written for Microsoft IIS 6.0 so I'll link to an article that is pretty useful and is on a site full of useful articles - How To Install a Certificate in IIS 6.0 .  I personally had to remove the old (expired) certificate and issue a new CRF but hopefully you won't have to go through all that.

Now that you have it installed for your master the next issue is to set up the SSL bindings, which is the clever bit and the whole point of using Subject Alternate Names.  Basically the issue with using the same IP and port (443) for different sites causes an issue with other sorts of certificates for obvious reasons.  However the Unified Communications SSL certificate is able to validate a number of domains quite happily, we just need to get IIS 6.0 to bind the SSL 443 ports correctly to the host names.

You have probably already noticed that you can't set host headers for SSL in the IIS manager.  That's okay, there is a DOS tool to do this.  For non-Linux people the this might be very very scary, but you need to just drop to a command prompt and do a few things.  Before you do that, however, click on the root node of your domain list to view a list of domains.  Make a note of the long number and host header values that identify the site(s) you want to add as Subject Alternate Names.

Now pop to a DOS prompt and follow the advice given at Digicert which helps you to configure the IIS 6.0 SSL host headers using a VB script.  Basically the important thing is to run the following command from c:\Inetpub\AdminScripts (assuming a default IIS installation):

cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/site identifier/SecureBindings ":443:host header"

If you get an error when browsing that refers to an Invalid Host Header just check that you have correctly matched the site identifier number to the hostheader in the command above and rerun with the correct values to fix it.  You may need to stop and start (why does IIS not have a restart option Steve Ballmer?)  to get everything happy.


  1. Nice Blog!

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  2. it's really valuable information about SAN SSL Certificate which supports multiple domains using single server certificate. Thanks for sharing it with US!

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  3. Even after reading endless articles, the intricacies of ssl certificates still seem to be incredibly confusing to me.


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