I am busy learning Elixir , a language that adds syntactic sugar to the awesomely scalable and concurrent Erlang language. The "go to" framework in Elixir is Phoenix and I'm busy writing my "hello world" application which will serve up data across a web channel. I followed the Typescript version of the Quickstart guide for Angular 2 ( here ). I really like what I've seen of Typescript so far. Dependencies are easy to manage and the ability to define interfaces is a good sign of how well structured the language is. I think Satya Nadella should be made an open source hero, if such an award exists. Anyway, what I wanted to do was get my Angular 2 application to be able to connect to the Elixir server channel and send a request to listen to a particular stream. The idea is to use the Actor concurrency model (explained brilliantly in " The Little Elixir & OTP Book ") to start up a new process whenever a request for a stream arrives. This ...